There’s a truism in business that the people you know dictate your success. Adjoining this concept is the idea that by knowing people, you dictate the success of others. Most people approach networking as a device to get you from where you are to where you want to be: a web or ladder to climb. Instead, think of effective networking as a marketplace. The more resources you bring to share with others, the more secure your place in the network and the more connections you’ll attract. The relationships you’ll form will be long-standing and mutually beneficial. Nineteen88 Strategies will help you identify and market the unique resources you can provide to your (and others’) network(s).
Here are a few strategies to change how you think about effective networking:
1. Capitalize on current relationships
Your current relationships are foundational to your network. But it’s not just the people you know; it’s becoming a part of their network. The best way to do that isn’t to go to them with your hand out, ask for connections, and hope for the best. Instead, reflect on how you can help them advance their goals.
Look at your current relationships and ask, “What can I offer you?”
Especially if you see someone in your network looking for a connection, mentor, or advice you can provide, don’t hesitate to step up for others. You increase your “brand awareness” in the networks of others, opening yourself up to new, high-quality connections.
Nineteen88 Strategies can facilitate a sea change in the way you think about effective networking––to see yourself as an infinite resource able to help others achieve their goals. In return, you’ll have a solid foundation to empower the career moves you want to make in the future.
2. Remember that everyone is a resource
When you see a great quote in an article or blog, read a Twitter thread that resonates with you, or hear an impressive podcast guest: reach out!
People are almost always receptive to hearing their work was well-received. Chances are, they’ll be happy to have a conversation for at least a few minutes.
Not every conversation has to be about getting something. In fact, most of the conversations you have when networking should be about what you can provide to others.
The value of reaching out to those you admire may not be apparent at first. In the long-term, it could result in you being a guest on a podcast, an expert quoted in a news story, or authoring a blog guest post that goes viral.
Being an available resource to others is essential to successful networking, but so is a genuine interest in the work and success of others.
3. Use social media
The advent of social media reinvented what it means to socialize. It enables you to maintain fruitful relationships and forge valuable connections with unprecedented ease.
LinkedIn is the premier professional networking platform. It enables you to connect with people you know as well as their contacts. There’s no better representation of effective networking.
With LinkedIn, you can easily research and identify other professionals. The platform encourages reaching out to people you don’t know through your mutual connections. Start a conversation by letting someone know how you’re familiar with their work and suggesting how you can be a resource to them.
Your LinkedIn profile is also the first impression you give others when networking. Beyond keeping it up to date, use it to share your successful work and ongoing professional development. In your posts, share how your skills can be beneficial to others in your network.
Ultimately, it’s about quality and not volume. Don’t over-saturate your feed and be liberal with culling posts that don’t perform well or drive engagement.
If effective networking intimidates you, Nineteen88 Strategy is your premier networking solution. Our years of unrivaled executive experience enable us to see and amplify our clients’ singular professional qualities.
Plus, our vast existing network of major players in your respective industry will be at your disposal. It’s all about who you know, and as long as you know us, you’re ahead of the curve. Contact us for a consultation to develop effective networking.
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